- This is an Exit Gateway -

You are most likely accessing this website because you've had some issue with the traffic coming from this IP. This router is part of the NYM project, which is dedicated to create outstanding privacy software that is legally compliant without sacrificing integrity or having any backdoors. This router IP should be generating no other traffic, unless it has been compromised.

The Nym mixnet is operated by a decentralised community of node operators and stakers. The Nym mixnet is trustless, meaning that no parts of the system nor its operators have access to information that might compromise the privacy of users. Nym software enacts a strict principle of data minimisation and has no back doors. The Nym mixnet works by encrypting packets in several layers and relaying those through a multi-layered network called a mixnet, eventually letting the traffic exit the Nym mixnet through an exit gateway like this one. This design makes it very hard for a service to know which user is connecting to it, since it can only see the IP-address of the Nym exit gateway:

Illustration showing how a user might connect to a service through the Nym network. The user first sends their data through three daisy-chained encrypted Nym nodes that exist on three different continents. Then the last Nym node in the chain connects to the target service over the normal internet. The user This server Your service Nym network link Unencrypted link

Read more about how Nym works.

Nym relies on a growing ecosystem of users, developers and researcher partners aligned with the mission to make sure Nym software is running, remains usable and solves real problems. While Nym is not designed for malicious computer users, it is true that they can use the network for malicious ends. This is largely because criminals and hackers have significantly better access to privacy and anonymity than do the regular users whom they prey upon. Criminals can and do build, sell, and trade far larger and more powerful networks than Nym on a daily basis. Thus, in the mind of this operator, the social need for easily accessible censorship-resistant private, anonymous communication trumps the risk of unskilled bad actors, who are almost always more easily uncovered by traditional police work than by extensive monitoring and surveillance anyway.

In terms of applicable law, the best way to understand Nym is to consider it a network of routers operating as common carriers, much like the Internet backbone. However, unlike the Internet backbone routers, Nym mixnodes do not contain identifiable routing information about the source of a packet and do mix the user internet traffic with that of other users, making communications private and protecting not just the user content but the metadata (user's IP address, who the user talks to, when, where, from what device and more) and no single Nym node can determine both the origin and destination of a given transmission.

As such, there is little the operator of this Exit Gateway can do to help you track the connection further. This Exit Gateway maintains no logs of any of the Nym mixnet traffic, so there is little that can be done to trace either legitimate or illegitimate traffic (or to filter one from the other). Attempts to seize this router will accomplish nothing.

If you are a representative of a company who feels that this router is being used to violate the DMCA, please be aware that this machine does not host or contain any illegal content. Also be aware that network infrastructure maintainers are not liable for the type of content that passes over their equipment, in accordance with DMCA "safe harbor" provisions. In other words, you will have just as much luck sending a takedown notice to the Internet backbone providers.

To decentralise and enable privacy for a broad range of services, this Exit Gateway adopts an Exit Policy in accordance with the Tor Null ‘deny’ list and the Tor reduced policy, which are two established safeguards.

That being said, if you still have a complaint about the router, you may email the maintainer. If complaints are related to a particular service that is being abused, the maintainer will submit that to the NYM Operators Community in order to add it to the Exit Policy cited above. If approved, that would prevent this router from allowing that traffic to exit through it. That can be done only on an IP+destination port basis, however. Common P2P ports are already blocked.

You also have the option of blocking this IP address and others on the Nym network if you so desire. The Nym project provides a web service to fetch a list of all IP addresses of Nym Gateway Exit nodes that allow exiting to a specified IP:port combination. Please be considerate when using these options.

In addition to this, is it possible that the traffic comes from an Anyone Network Exit-relay. You can find all the information on Anyone on project's website. These relays are basically TOR-relays: they follow the same Discosure and Exit-policy stated above.